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Faith Communities

The Bow in the Clouds property got its name from the donors—the Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph—who reference the rainbow after the Great Flood, as a promise to care for the Earth.

The Sisters turned it over to Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy (SWMLC) because they were getting older and were concerned for its long-term stewardship. SWMLC has been working with them and diverse partners on habitat management and improving access for the Sisters and many others in the community.

Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy


Partners: Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph, several youth based nonprofits in Kalamazoo’s eastside neighborhood, other volunteers

Staff: 7 FTE, 2 PTE | 2 FTE for program

Sisters of the Congregation of St. Joseph

“Providing access to connect to nature, for all ages, is part of our work and legacy.”

Peter D. Ter Louw, SWMLC Executive Director