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Interested in climate change, conservation, and what you can do?
My twice-monthly eNews provides articles, commentary, and research with tips on communication, impact, and what land trusts and conservation groups are doing to slow down climate change.
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Climate Change & Conservation
Snippets • Thoughts • News
The goal of this climate e-News is to provide a variety of articles and observations focusing on the impact of, and solutions to, climate change with a focus on mitigation (slowing down climate change).

Land Trusts Taking Action
Conservation & Climate Change
Land trusts across the country are recognizing that slowing down climate change is part of their commitment to long-term conservation and to their communities. Their approach varies depending on their work, perspective, capacity and mission. This e-News features land trusts in climate action.

A Call to Action
for Land Conservation in America
October 17, 2019 Rally: The National Land Conservation in Raleigh, N.C.
By Andrew J. Bowman, president & CEO of the Land Trust Alliance
Let’s first examine the role that land conservation can play in mitigating climate change, both by preventing the conversion of intact natural lands and through land management practices, such as reforestation and active soil management on working lands.
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Research, News or Land Trusts in Action
“The e-News is incredibly informative and helps our land trust understand how we can take effective action on the climate front.”
Dave Clutter, Executive Director
Driftless Conservancy
“Your climate e-Newsletters have given me some very helpful ideas on how to talk about climate change with our board and members, and begin to break the ‘cone of silence’ around this incredibly significant topic.”
Sandra Staples-Bortner, Executive Director
Great Peninsula Conservancy
“Judy’s climate e-News provides land trusts help and hope in dealing with climate change.”
Carol Abrahamzon, Executive Director
Mississippi Valley Conservancy
“It’s refreshing to receive your newsletter and hear about some of the great work that is being done—proactively—to mitigate climate change.”
Jen Rowland, Director of Operations and Development
Wild Seed Project
“Great publication—I always take 20 minutes to read it every time.”
Don Owen, Board Member
Continental Divide Trail Coalition